
Inspiring a love of reading is one of the primary roles of teachers and educators. Developing solid reading skills gives young students a strong foundation they can build on throughout their entire educational journey. Here are 10 great ideas to help you build the best reading programs for elementary schools.

best reading programs for elementary schools

  1. Just do it. NIKE’s slogan is easily applied to reading. You have to inspire consistent practice which means encouraging reading every day. Whether that’s accompanied by instruction or just done independently, make sure reading is a part of every day’s lesson.
  2. Variety is key. The most successful reading programs include a variety of different resources, whether that’s books or online literacy programs for elementary schools. Elevate students interest by giving them resources that reflect their interests and culture.
  3. Allow students to choose what they want to read. Get to know their reading habits and reflect it in their reading time. They’ll be more invested when they choose what they want to read.
  4. Model reading behaviors. Read to your students, allow them to read to others, and help them develop positive attitudes about reading by sharing the experience with others.
  5. Go digital. Essential Skills offers the best reading programs for elementary schools online.  iPads and computers can be helpful tools when applied in the right way. Cater to their love of reading by incorporating the tech they love to use. Use Skype or Zoom to connect with other classrooms and guest readers. Put your imagination to the test!
  6. Have students participate in programs that focus on reading. There are many literacy-based initiatives that students and classrooms can get involved in like national reading month and local reading events. Show a broad scope of reading initiatives that may inspire students to realize how universally useful reading can be.
  7. Share books that are about books. Many authors have written elementary-school level materials that demonstrate how important books can be. Find books where the characters love to read. Develop some reading heroes!
  8. Use your imagination to develop initiatives that encourage reading. Have a marathon. Spend an entire day just reading. Do a book swap. Take a trip to the local library. Make reading fun by incorporating fun activities!
  9. Find community partners that can help involve your students in reading-based initiatives. Celebrity guests who read to the students are always inspiring. Build a network of allies who can demonstrate the importance of being able to read and how it will help your students in the future.
  10. Eliminate the sense of obligation. Yes, reading is part of the curriculum. However, it’s the approach you take to reading instruction that will determine how quickly students embrace the lessons. Make it fun and purposeful.

Essential Skills offers the best reading programs for elementary schools to improve student engagement, individualize instruction, save time, and increase instructional efficiency. Class sizes make it difficult to give every student the individual attention they need. Incorporate resources to help you achieve reading goals with your students.