
Remedial education is focused on those students that simply need to “catch up.” It usually targets students who have fallen below minimum standards in a particular skill, quite often reading skills. Teaching phonemic awareness to remedial students is a proven strategy that dramatically improves reading ability for many struggling readers. Incorporating Essential Skills online reading intervention software into your lessons will help students master this important skill with hundreds of phonemic awareness activities.

phonemic awareness activities

Accelerate Reading Skills Using Phonemic Awarness Software

Direct, systematic phonics instruction is at the heart of many teaching phonemic awareness activities utilized by online early reading programs. Students who never learned phonics due to inadequate instruction in their early years are prime targets for phonemic awareness software programs like those offered by Essential Skills. Once students fall behind, it is particularly difficult for them to catch up without being part of a comprehensive program. In fact, nearly 75 percent of students who are reading below grade level at the end of third grade never catch up, affecting their education, and ultimately their entire lives. Poor reading skills affect a student’s ability to succeed in math, English, history, geography and other core curriculum subjects. The importance of developing confidence and capability in reading skills cannot be overstated. Incorporating an evidence-based phonemic awareness program will increase a student’s chances of not only catching up but also developing confidence in their abilities. The best online reading programs offer pretest and screening features that automatically target missing skills to accelerate student learning through individualized instruction.

Why Teaching Phonemic Awareness Activities Helps Remdial Readers

Children struggle with reading for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s a direct result of poor teaching methods or a curriculum that doesn’t engage the student. When students learn to read, they go through a process that connects the part of the brain that recognizes patterns made by letters and letter groups with the part of the brain that handles spoken language. This is what phonemic awareness and phonics is all about. A student who has mastered phonics can scan printed language and then fluently express it in spoken language. That’s the goal of phonemic awareness activities targeting remedial readers. Developing strong phonemic awareness and phonics skills is an indicator that a student will be a successful reader.

Incorporate Essential Skills Online Reading Programs into Your Instruction

Essential Skills offers a greater variety of auditory, visual, and tactile typing activities than any other online educational software. Incorporating Essential Skills online learning programs into your remedial education and regular classroom strategies will help ensure that your students become confident, successful readers, regardless of learning style or ability level.

Essential Skills programs provide engaging, focused instruction in K-6 reading/language arts, math, science, and English language learning. It is ideal software for special education, response to intervention, and older remedial students. Learn more about how Essential Skills Phonemic Awareness program can help your students achieve reading success!