
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” So said beloved author Dr. Seuss, an individual who made reading fun for generations of young students. There’s no denying the value of being able to read. Equally as important is finding the joy to be had by developing a genuine passion for reading. One of the newest tools to help educators inspire a true love for reading is online educational software.

Five Creative Ideas to Make Reading Fun in the Classroom

Educational software for elementary students is a fundamental tool that educators can use to help students develop both reading skills and passion. It’s easy to tell students that reading can expand their vocabulary, help them develop analytical thinking skills, improve their ability to communicate and help them develop stronger writing skills. However, these talking points will not have nearly as much impact as showing students that reading is also fun!  This is where educational software for schools is extremely valuable.

Reports show that younger kids enjoy reading books for fun, but they start to lose that love of reading by age eight or nine. Developing strategies to inspire a students ongoing love of reading is critical. Using online educational software is an excellent tool to promote reading, but it’s certainly not the only one. Here are five ways to help encourage reading in your classroom:

  • Set aside regular time for reading. Developing the practice of “wide reading” is important in the classroom because it builds the anticipation to read and the expectation that students will be exploring written material. Students need consistent periods of time to read; making it a daily practice as important as any other subject to help students build an affinity for reading. Make reading something done for the pure enjoyment of the material regardless of what it may be. Reading a comic book is equally as valuable as reading a textbook.
  • Let students choose their own subject matter. Students come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and family influences. Having a “one size fits all” mentality when it comes to the books they are exposed to could be limiting. Students have their own interests, whether that means fiction or non-fiction, animals or super heroes. Give them options to pick their own materials. Using educational software for elementary students is an easy way of providing a wide variety of reading materials all in one place.
  • Take advantage of available online educational software. Digital tech offers students a great opportunity to learn. Interactive books, online libraries, augmented reality and digital readers can all be incorporated into the reading curriculum. Videos and sound aren’t distractions; they’re ways to make reading fun for students. Find the digital technology that works best.
  • Create a space conducive to independent reading. Not every classroom has a perfect open space for collective reading; not every school has a massive library. All a teacher has to do is create a stress-free environment where students feel comfortable reading a book for pleasure. Whether that includes pillows or yoga mats, or even an outdoor classroom space – just find a place that allows a student to be alone with a book.
  • Develop post-reading activities. There are many ways students can share what they’ve read in the classroom. Add an element of fun that engages all students in discussing the materials they have read. There’s really no limit to what can be done to inspire students to talk about their materials.

Essential Skills library of educational software for schools includes a complete reading comprehension series with fiction and non-fiction to inspire K-6 students and older remedial readers. Our elementary reading software provides immediate reward and reinforcement, creating a personal level of engagement not possible in a traditional group instruction environment.