
In phonetics, students will learn the relationship between the spellings of words and how they sound. The goal of this is to teach students the common relationships between words and their sounds. This will allow students to sound out words that they have not yet learned. This is critical to the happiness of students. Using the right research based phonics programs are integral for this.

Research based phonics programs

Why Phonetics Instruction Is Important

Students who cannot read well usually rely on pictorial and contextual clues to determine what a passage means. This means that the readers are not using other strategies that may be better for the situation. For children to become fluent readers, the children need to have a good number of reading strategies. This can include knowing the relationships between sounds and spelling – or phonetics. By building a strong foundation through research-based phonics programs for kindergarten, students will be better equipped to sound out nearly every word in a sentence.

This means that research based phonics programs help students comprehend what a passage means. Students can learn how to relate sounds with spelling and decode the words. This can help students when it comes to recognizing words. As a result, students will be able to gradually read fluently. This can also help with reading comprehension because students will not be struggling to read each of the words.

Another benefit of research based reading programs for special education is that students will be better able to spell out words. Different spelling patterns will become more familiar when students read more often. You can spell nearly half of all English words using phonetics rules.

Choosing the Right Phonetics Lesson

A good phonetics lesson will be explicit instead of implicit. An implicit lesson assumes that the readers will discover clues about the relationships between sound and spelling. While a strong reader can do this, a poor reader is unlikely to. The most effective way to teach students is through explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is especially important when it comes to research-based reading programs for special education.

At the beginning of the phonetics lesson, there should be an explicit explanation of the sounds and spelling that the teacher is teaching. This can allow students to sound out words. Students should then have independent and guided reading practice with the words that they learned that day. This is one of the most important aspects of good research-based phonics programs.

Here at Essential Skills, we have phonetics instruction with both systematic and explicit lessons. Students can easily learn this material online. Contact us today to find out more about our research-based phonics programs for kindergarten and other grades.