
Teaching children to read and spell in today’s classroom is a challenge for even the best teacher with access to an abundance of resources. Teaching reading and spelling to children with autism adds another layer to that challenge. Applying standard teaching methods to your lesson plans for children with autism will not reap maximum results given the way their brains process information in unique ways. What is required is the integration of customized reading programs for special education.

reading programs for special education

Tips for Teaching Kids with Autism

The use of research-based reading programs for special education classrooms and instruction have emerged as an effective learning support for students with special needs. Schools and districts are doing a much better job finding reading programs for special education that offer proven methods for different learning styles. Multisensory techniques often deliver measurable results with children on the ASD spectrum. Here are some other tips that when combined with online reading programs for special education can have a positive impact on teaching children with autism how to read and spell.

  • Ensure You Use Clear, Concise Examples. Abstract ideas are often hard for children with autism to process. It can lead to frustration. Incorporating tools like color-coded letter cards can help such children grasp reading and spelling concepts easier. Using these cards for blending letters and segmenting rather than a verbal explanation, a child can process words and letters much faster.
  • Offer Direct Instruction. It’s important to manage the expectations of children with autism. Direct instruction is one way to do that. This helps teachers develop carefully sequenced lessons. A clearly sequenced lesson could include a review of a previous lesson, the teaching of one new concept, word, or excerpt, and a short practice of what was just taught. Repetition of this strategy is vital to helping kids learn to read and spell. Reinforce all the concepts a student has mastered to help build confidence and capability.
  • Use of Multisensory Techniques Is Important. Teaching children with autism requires a variety of tools and techniques. Lessons that incorporate sight, sound, and touch helps engage students in the process. Tracing letters in textured surfaces, playing recordings, or using visual tools helps reinforce the information being taught.
  • Rewarding Progress Is Key.  Finding ways to mark progress including charts or encouraging words is important during every step of the learning journey, especially for students on the spectrum. Recognizing when skills have been mastered provide positive reinforcement, helping build student confidence and self-esteem.

Essential Skills Offers Reading Programs for Special Education

Research-based math and reading programs for special education are just one of the reasons why teachers have trusted Essential Skills for more than two decades. Teachers can use these digital teaching tools to support individualized education plans and tailor instruction for their students with special needs. Essential Skills programs offer a wide variety of auditory, visual, and tactile typing activities that provide the repetition and immediate reinforcement vital to the development of each student. With over 30 reading programs for special education, Essential Skills covers more of the foundational skills your students need to become successful, confident readers.