
If it wasn’t apparent before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, it certainly is now: integrating technology into the classroom is a vitally important part of teaching students of all ages. Educational software and digital tools help support a variety of different learning styles and allow students to develop critical thinking skills and learn new concepts. Moving forward, the most successful teachers will find ways to balance traditional teaching methods with the use of online educational software.

online educational software

Using Educational Software for Elementary Students

The best educational software for schools helps educators accommodate the three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Incorporating the use of computers, tablets, or any other digital tool will help teachers meet the specific needs of each student.

Here are a few ways teachers can use technology with each of the three learning styles. 

1. Visual Learning

Remember Sesame Street? It remains one of the most successful examples of visual learning conducted through a digital platform – good old television! Today, visual learning students in the classroom can enjoy use of many other technologies. The best online educational software programs provide multiple ways to engage students, from on-screen text, educational photos, and even offering graphic rewards to visual learners. It’s important for teachers to explore different ways to integrate digital tools into their lesson plans. That can be as simple as putting together a PowerPoint slide presentation incorporating key words into creative storylines. There are also many online offerings that are suitable for classroom presentation, from YouTube tutorial videos targeting younger grades to online educational software for schools. These materials are perfectly suited for visual learning. Explore the possibilities and make your own list of potential materials to use in the classroom.

2. Auditory Learning

Students who become more competent readers and learners through listening and speaking are auditory learners. Essential Skills offers many innovative online educational software tools for these types of learners. There are also a variety of other highly impactful resources that can be used with auditory learners. Audio books are an excellent resource and can be accessed from a variety of sources. A quick Google search for “audio books for kids” will turn up all kinds of useful websites. Another great auditory learning experience is to use Skype and Zoom to invite guest speakers into the classroom who can deliver compelling auditory presentations that can engage students and benefit auditory learners. Reading along to such presentations allows students to hear their own voices as they practice their reading skills.

3. Kinesthetic Learning

Some students learn through hands-on interactive activities that gives them a more tactile experience when trying to understand new information. There are many educational apps and interactive programs available to help them with everything from reading to math or science. Kinesthetic learners require focused activity to help them fully comprehend concepts, and technology can play a significant role in helping these students learn. Every Essential Skills software program includes tactile typing activities to support kinesthetic learners.

Essential Skills Educational Software for Schools Can Help Teachers

Whether you’re teaching a classroom full of auditory learners or a mix of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory students, Essential Skills educational software includes activities to help all learners. Learn more about how Essential Skills software can help support your students in their learning journey.