Today’s world is full of screens wherever we go. We use computers for navigation, communication, education, and entertainment. Most of our classrooms reflect this new technology, which is far from the overhead projectors and VHS tapes of the previous generation. While there are still teachers out there who believe computers belong in the library, most classrooms of today contain interactive white boards, tablets, and even cell phones being used for solo or group learning experiences.
One major problem with this proliferation of on-line material is the difficulty in finding an effective source of educational material. There are countless free online games that claim to be educational but are often little more than distractions or time-fillers with no real educational value. Educators save time and resources by becoming informed about the strengths and weaknesses of various programs and will find in the long run that purchasing a well-researched product to supplement classroom instruction will provide many benefits. Essential Skills provides professionally developed online educational software that covers a range of subjects and levels. Before you decide on a class or school system, here are some things you should consider.
Delivery of Subject Matter
School is about fun and learning social skills, but ultimately it is about teaching and delivering curriculum. From kindergarten and learning the alphabet to middle school and researching specific subjects, each small skill must be taught and practiced in the right order for learning to advance. Essential Skills educational software for elementary students offers systematic progression and exercises to ensure understanding as students move forward.
All teaching content and student progress is stored online, ensuring all classes are using the same resources and giving the ability to move a student to a different class or leave appropriate lessons for a supply teacher. Essential Skills ensures that all content is curriculum-based and pedagogically sound. These programs also offer the option to individualize lessons for students on IEPs.
Data Management
A major amount of teachers’ time goes into collecting, assessing, and reporting. Well-designed educational software for schools like that offered by Essential Skills can reduce this burden. Students are automatically assessed as they work, and the results are simultaneously sent to the teacher. In addition, these programs offer instant feedback to students, keeping them engaged and motivated to learn. As the system collects data, it also creates charts and graphs indicating the overall performance of the class. This will help teachers plan and effectively share data for team planning. For struggling students, Essential Skills online educational software will determine areas of weakness. This data can be used to fine-tune a student’s educational plan, or as evidence to use when advocating for special education services.
With the range of online educational software available from Essential Skills, you can provide curriculum-based systematic lessons and access accurate student reports. This system blends well with classroom activities and reinforces newly acquired skills. And best of all, students are engaged and encouraged to keep learning.