
When it comes to learning, reading is perhaps the most important skill to have. It is the foundation for everything. In fact, without being able to read with ease, students will struggle with nearly every other subject in school. This is why choosing the right elementary reading programs is essential.

Teaching Comprehension and Reading

Reading is a complex process that involves many skills. A proficient reader can recognize words by sight and use the context to figure out words that are not familiar. It is also complicated to teach children how to read. Different students will come to the classroom with varying abilities resulting from diet and nutrition, health, life experience, and even genetics. People who use elementary reading programs for schools need to know how to help children with many different types of learning styles.

Elementary reading programs for schools

Comprehension Skills

Reading can affect every subject that a child will learn in school. For example, in math class, if a student struggles with reading, they are likely to have trouble working through simple word problems. This can cause students to read through a standardized test and not understand the problem. Using elementary reading programs online could have prevented this issue.

The skills that students use to process reading and math problems are quite similar. Both of these things require students to be able to infer, compare, predict and contrast items. This can help students work through both complex reading passages and difficult math problems. If a student is successful in reading, the student is more likely to be able to transfer these skills to another area of life.

Problems With Illiteracy

There is a direct correlation between reading ability and student attitude towards education. A literate student will have a more positive learning experience, which in turn will shape their overall feelings about school and learning in general. High-quality, research-based elementary reading programs help build a solid foundation from which all future learning is based. However, children who cannot read are unable to keep pace with their peers and are at risk of falling behind. One study found that children who cannot read well by third grade are four times more likely to leave school.

Choose the Right Elementary Reading Programs

Reading ability will influence more than just the graduation rates of students, however. Students who can read well can read independently. These students are more likely to attend college, as well as engage in professional trades.

Being able to read independently is essential for any student. We offer a variety of elementary reading programs for schools to suit a wide variety of ability levels and learning styles. When you choose the elementary reading programs online from Essential Skills, you can rest assuered that you are using evidence-based learning resources with a track record of success.