
Struggling readers often need additional support to build their confidence and improve their reading skills. Implementing reading programs for struggling readers can make a significant difference in their progress. As educators, effective strategies are essential. Here are ten practical strategies to support struggling readers in your classroom.

  • Assess Individual Needs

Begin by assessing each student’s reading abilities to identify their specific challenges. Use a combination of formal assessments and informal observations to gather data on their reading level, comprehension, and fluency.

  • Implement Reading Programs for Struggling Readers

Utilize reading programs for struggling readers designed to address their unique needs. Programs from Essential Skills’ Super Phonics incorporate curriculum and strategies based on the science of reading, offering a variety of activities that cater to auditory, visual, and tactile learners.

  • Small Group Instruction

Small group instruction allows for more personalized attention and targeted teaching. Group students with similar reading difficulties together and tailor lessons to their specific needs. This approach fosters a supportive learning environment where students can feel more comfortable taking risks and making mistakes.

best reading programs for elementary schools
  • Use Multisensory Techniques

Incorporate multisensory techniques in your teaching. This involves using sight, sound, touch, and movement to help students understand and remember information. For example, using letter tiles, sand trays, or finger tracing can help students connect sounds to letters.

  • Focus on Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic awareness is crucial for reading success. Engage students in activities that emphasize the sounds of spoken language, such as rhyming games, segmenting words into sounds, and blending sounds to form words. These activities help students develop the foundational skills necessary for reading.

  • Implement Remedial Reading Strategies

Remedial reading strategies are essential for students who require extra help. Strategies such as repeated reading, paired reading, and choral reading can improve fluency and comprehension. Utilizing remedial reading programs alongside these strategies can provide additional support. Encourage students to read aloud and provide immediate feedback to help them correct errors and build confidence.

  • Incorporate Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool for supporting struggling readers. Educational software and apps designed for reading improvement can provide interactive and engaging activities. 

  • Build Vocabulary

A strong vocabulary is essential for reading comprehension. Introduce new words in context and provide multiple exposures to each word. Use visual aids, word walls, and interactive activities to reinforce vocabulary learning. Encourage students to use new words in their writing and speaking.

  • Encourage Reading for Pleasure

Fostering a love for reading can motivate students to practice more and improve their skills. Provide access to a wide variety of reading materials, including books, magazines, and digital texts that match their interests and reading levels. Create a cozy reading corner in your classroom to make reading an enjoyable activity.

  • Provide Consistent Feedback and Support

Regular feedback and positive reinforcement are critical for struggling readers. Celebrate their progress, no matter how small, and provide constructive feedback to guide their improvement. Encourage a growth mindset by emphasizing effort and persistence over innate ability.

Final Statement

Supporting struggling readers requires a combination of assessment, targeted instruction, and motivational strategies. By implementing these reading programs for struggling readers and remedial reading strategies, you can create a supportive learning environment that fosters growth and confidence in your students. Essential Skills offers a range of resources designed to meet the needs of all learners, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed.

Whether your students need extra help or you just want to provide a more personalized learning experience in your classroom, Essential Skills can help. Our research-based learning software is used by over 20,000 schools and has been proven to make a difference. For more information, contact us today and discover how we can support your students’ reading journey with our remedial reading programs.