
It’s a simple fact of teaching and learning: some kids are going to absorb teaching at a faster level than others. It’s the reason why we call it a “learning curve.” Reading is definitely one of the requisite skills that some children embrace faster than others. Competent reading skills are not necessarily an indication that one kid is smarter than another; however, it may be a sign that an individual child needs some help. It’s one of the primary reasons why there are diagnostic tools incorporated into elementary reading programs for schools.

Elementary reading programs for schools

Top Reasons a Child May Be Reading Slowly 

Elementary reading programs for schools require students to employ a variety of skills. The foundational building blocks of reading skills take time to put in place. As a result, there are many reasons why some kids take a little longer to learn to put these skills to use. Here are some of the typical reasons a child may be taking longer to develop competent reading skills:

  • There’s an obvious correlation between learning the basics and reading, and then progressing to understanding what is being read. Those are two different sides of the same coin. However, some kids may appear to be reading slower than others because they lack a solid foundation in the basics. Only once a student has mastered the basics, can they begin to develop reading fluency and progress from learning to read to reading to learn.
  • Kids can lack focus. That’s just a simple fact. Whether they haven’t mastered the ability to focus or have genuine challenges like ADD, a child can be easily distracted which affects their ability to read. That often means a child must re-read materials, which can create the impression they’re not developing reading skills at the same speed as others. Another factor could be that the student finds the material boring. Allowing students to choose materials that interest them most can significantly improve engagement.
  • Their comprehension is not fully realized. Sometimes materials in elementary reading programs for schools can simply be too hard for some kids. Without proper guidance, a child reading at the wrong level can grow extremely frustrated. Learning to enjoy reading starts by mastering one level at a time. It’s no surprise that a child struggling to read material above their level will grow discouraged.
  • Deep thinkers may be slower readers. A child may be reading slowly because they’re actively thinking about the materials and the mental images it may be inspiring. Kids who have strong imaginations may stop to think about the materials before moving on. If a storyline captivates the imagination, there’s nothing wrong with a child stopping to contemplate what is being read.
  • Language barriers can have a huge impact on the speed at which a child reads even when implementing the best reading programs for elementary schools. Perhaps it’s the cultural context of the materials or perhaps it’s a sign of dyslexia – regardless of the reason, a language barrier will present additional challenges for young students learning to develop reading skills.

Essential Skills Programs Can Help Speed Things Up

Developing the ability to read is critical for young children. They need to read material that’s at the right level. Using the tools provided by Essential Skills, caregivers and teachers can work in a collaborative way to ensure kids develop the vital foundational reading skills to help them progress through their school years. Learn more about Essential Skills elementary reading programs for schools today!