Research Based Phonics Program for Special Ed Students Special Education teachers have trusted Essential Skills reading programs for special education for more than 20 years to help them individualize instruction for their students with special needs. There are several reasons why our research-based reading programs for special education are so popular with Special Education teachers. The following highlights the main reasons why so many educators use Essential Skills to supplement their students’ individualized education plans. Special education teacher resources from Essential Skills provide educators with the tools needed to support diverse learning needs. Whether you're looking for strategies to enhance classroom instruction or additional materials to help students progress, our comprehensive collection of special education resources ensures that teachers are equipped to offer the personalized support their students need.

Individualized Learning

Our Integrated Assessment feature ensures that every student receives an individualized learning program tailored to their specific needs. Based on initial pretest results, each student is assigned a custom learning program to target learning gaps. This makes Essential Skills math and reading programs ideal for special education and IEPs. In addition, our online learning resources are ideal as reading programs for autism, offering the repetition and structure required for students on the spectrum. Essential Skills special education reading programs help create a learning environment where all students, regardless of their learning differences, can thrive and make steady progress.

Immediate Reward & Reinforcement

Our reading programs for special education provide students with immediate reward and reinforcement as they work. Whereas some programs only reward students once they have completed an entire activity or set number of questions, Essential Skills research-based reading programs for special education provide reward and reinforce correct answers immediately following each answer. Many students with special needs respond very well to this format and are highly motivated by our reward system. These instant feedback features are particularly effective for students with autism. Educators can use our autism teacher resources to support students by reinforcing correct answers immediately, helping to build confidence and keep students motivated.

Minimal Distraction

Essential Skills Special Ed reading programs are designed to be engaging with very little animation or unnecessary distraction. When students are working in an activity, the focus is always on the skills. So many educational software programs are filled with repetitive animations that consume instructional time that either bore or over-stimulate students with special needs. Essential Skills reading programs for special education provide engaging, focused instruction with minimal distraction. Our special education reading programs are a trusted resource in many classrooms that serve students with autism. The minimal distractions and clear instructions make them a valuable component of any special education resource toolkit. Teachers looking for effective reading programs for autism will appreciate the focus and engagement our tools provide.

Appropriate for All Ages

Essential Skills research-based reading programs for special education offer educators the flexibility to individualize each students’ learning experience by selecting different program themes and reward types. Most of the rewards in the programs are universally engaging to both younger and older students. We have customers working with students of all ages from elementary up to high school. We even have several adult education customers using our reading and math programs with their adult learners. Whether you’re looking for reading programs for special education high school students, adults or young primary learners, Essential Skills has a solution to fit. For educators seeking special education teacher resources, Essential Skills offers versatile solutions that fit students of any age or ability level. Our programs help foster growth and development through tailored learning experiences, supporting students as they advance through different stages of their education.

Designed for All Learning Styles & Ability Levels

Every Essential Skills program includes a variety of auditory, visual and tactile activities to appeal to different learning styles. Tactile learning is addressed using typing activities. Every skill is reinforced using a blend of activities for the various learning styles. The wide range of skills offered ensures that there is something for students at almost any level of ability. Skills are presented gradually and sequentially in a logical progression with each new skill building on what came before. This helps to guarantee success for all students, regardless of learning style or ability level. The wide range of special education resources within our programs also ensures that teachers have the flexibility to meet each student's individual needs. The progression of skills is carefully designed to be inclusive of all learners, providing a supportive environment that is especially beneficial when seeking reading programs for autism or students with other learning challenges.

Ideal for Students with Autism

Identifying quality instructional materials for students with Autism can be a challenge. Essential Skills research-based reading programs for special education take the guess work out of finding the right reading program for students with Autism by providing the repetition and immediate reinforcement these students need. Whereas most programs use one or two activities to reinforce a skill, our math and reading programs for students with Autism present between five and ten activities utilizing various approaches for all learners. It is this repetition that helps to ensure standards mastery for every student. Educators looking for autism teacher resources can trust Essential Skills to provide targeted instruction that aligns with the needs of their students. The structure and repetition built into our programs foster confidence and ensure students with autism stay engaged throughout the learning process.

Developed by Special Education Teachers

Essential Skills founder taught Special Education for more than 20 years. It is this first-hand knowledge and experience that became the foundation for Essential Skills programs. Our math and reading programs for special education are developed using time-tested, proven strategies for teaching basic skills. Every program begins with an exhaustive research phase to ensure that the skills being taught reflect solid pedagogy and best practices. Whether you’re looking for reading programs for special education high school students, or instructional materials for students with Autism, our research-based reading programs for special education should be at the top of your list. Essential Skills programs are developed by Special Education teachers for students with special needs and are grounded in proven research. Our high-quality special education teacher resources offer a comprehensive solution for discerning educators. Each program is crafted with the unique needs of students with autism and other special needs in mind, ensuring that the educational experience is both supportive and effective.

What Special Education Teachers Are Saying about Research Based Reading Programs for Special Education

“Essential Skills is a program that our moderate to severe cognitively challenged students have started using and they are all smiles. It is easy for them to navigate and complete the lessons. They wear headphones and the visual and auditory reinforcements are wonderful! I also found it extremely user-friendly when I entered the student groups, student names and teacher names. I am very impressed with the reports I can generate. I look forward to watching the happy students who are working on this software. Finally, programs for special needs students!” ~ Gayle M. Ryan, Special Education Teacher, Ray Graham Training Center Essential Skills offers the best reading programs for special education I have ever found. I have used your programs for years. Our elementary teachers also find the assessment programs very helpful for testing and tracking their students. These programs have had a major impact on test scores with my students. Their scores have gone up at least one level each year. The children love using these programs and they are anxious to get on them every day.” ~ Sandra Howard, Special Education Teacher Grades 4-6, Greenlee Elementary I love the software from Essential Skills! There is lots of practice with a variety of activities utilizing different learning styles for each concept taught. The children are definitely benefitting from learning with these reading programs. The programs are easy to use and provide valuable progress reports. The children like it because of the great reinforcement and the fact that they can work independently at their own level and pace. ~ Anita Francis, Special Education Teacher, South Belt Elementary I teach children with Autism and my husband and I also run a therapeutic home for kids with Autism. We have also adopted two children with Autism. I can say that the Essential Skills reading programs for special education have transformed my children! My son is diagnosed with Autism and Apraxia. He is so immersed in the Sight Words program that that he is verbally imitating the sounds he hears, he is spelling, and reading! My daughter; who read on a pre-primer level with no comprehension in August, has recently been tested and scored a 2.3 on reading with full comprehension. What your programs do is simply amazing! I know they are not marketed directly for children with Autism, but I am telling you as parent and teacher of kids with Autism; the way they are designed is exactly what our kids need. They are repetitive and provide clear and concise verbal directions with immediate feedback. My thanks to you!” ~ Teresa Irani, CBS Teacher, Elliott Point Elementary “My students love these reading programs! They are perfect for motivating special education students.” ~ Linda Payne, Special Education Teacher, Green Bank Elementary