

I can't begin to put into words what a difference these programs have made in the educational progress of the students with Downs Syndrome and other Special Needs. Repetition plays a large part in their daily work skills. Your programs present it in such a fun filled way, they have no idea that they are learning! The way the programs are designed is improving concentration and computer skills. We never dreamed that these students would progress as far as they have but with your wonderful programs it has happened.

Mary Blair, Special Education Instructional Assistant
Webster Elementary, Madera, California

We use your Reading Comprehension programs throughout the day with the students from grades one to six. Our assessments this year have indicated growth of 1 and 2 years in some of the children who are several years behind in reading. All our children want to use this software.

Georgina Kneale, Special Education Resource
Grand Terrace Elementary, Grand Terrace, California

After using programs from Essential Skills Software our ELL students are now performing above average in English speaking classes.

Angie Bennett, ELL Teacher
Richard Gird Elementary, Chino, California

We have used Essential Skills programs in the computer lab and in the classrooms for the past three years. They are being used successfully in the lower grades to build the necessary early math and reading skills and in the upper grades they are used effectively for remediation. These are excellent skill building programs to supplement the classroom curriculum.

Karolee Rosen, Principal
Almond Elementary, Fontana, California

Our classrooms and our Learning Center use over 15 programs from Essential Skills. Your software allows our students to receive an intensive, independent, individualized instruction on specific skills. The programs use teaching practices that all good educators employ. Each program has a variety of activities and strategies for every type of learner. Our school was recently honored as a California Distinguished School. The software from Essential Skills has enhanced our curriculum and was a contributing factor in helping us to earn this honor. Your programs easily integrate into the classroom curriculum and are reliable tools for skill development. They are easy to use by the student and are helpful in documenting progress for the teacher. I highly recommend these programs to other schools!

Meriam Wilhelm, Principal
Silver Spur Elementary, Palos Verdes, California

We have been using programs from Essential Skills for a couple of years. It was originally intended for ELL but now all students use the software. These programs inspire our slow readers to succeed. The skills align nicely with the state standards for Language Arts. We feel that these programs have been very beneficial to the students.

Tim Bybee, Principal
Burrel Union Elementary, Riverdale, California

The software from Essential Skills is used for the Title I reading program with students who are at risk of failing. They are wonderful programs! Our assessments show significant literacy growth. The programs are very coherent and very sequential, leading the students to acquire the basic skills they need one step at a time. These programs offer excellent skill preparation for the California Achievement Test.

Virginia Martinez, Title I Resource Teacher
Ben Hulse School, Imperial, California

We love the Essential Skills programs! We use them in our after school intervention programs and throughout the day in the computer lab. We originally bought them for our EL students to use but found they were so successful, we started using them with all our students. Our school raised their tests this past year, and it was due in part to extra practice of basic skills that the Essential Skills programs offer.

Tracy Battson, Title I Teacher
Peter J. Shields Elementary, Rancho Cordova, California

Essential Skills software is a big part of our intervention program. The programs are used with 240 students. I love how effectively they reinforce the skills that we are teaching. They provide lots of stimulating practice and keep the children's interest. We are seeing a lot of progress with student test scores. The Essential Skills programs are the most important and consistent of the supplementary instructional tools we use.

Mrs. Tammy Cholly, Title I Coordinator
Mariana Elementary, Apple Valley, California

The children absolutely love the software! We have used Essential Skills programs in all our primary grades for the past three years. The programs are well organized and each child gets right to the task. The activities are short and the children get immediate feedback. This software provides the one-on-one attention needed to reinforce what we do in the classroom each day. We have not come across better skills based software.

Pam Sperber, Grade One Teacher
John Eader Elementary, Huntington Beach, California
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