We have 5 programs from Essential Skills at our school. The students love the programs. We use them as remediation and as a supplement to our curriculum. We received great value for our money with this software.
Marlys Kaussman, Second Grade Teacher
Flagler Public School, Flagler, Colorado
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Sight Words is on every computer in our school. The teachers and students love the program. The primary grades use it daily. The older students use it for remediation. We previewed the program last year and said: We want it, we want it, we want it!
Jeanne Vollmar, Technology Coordinator
Cherry Drive Elementary, Thornton, Colorado
Essential Skills Software definitely provides excellent practice and reinforcement of the skills we work on in the resource room. I like the fact that it is easy for the students to use independently at their own level and pace.
Jerry Brockway, Resource Teacher
Foothill Elementary, Boulder, Colorado
We use Essential Skills programs for our ELouisiana & LD students. Sight Words is very important for the ELouisiana students and has really helped them develop their speaking and reading fluency.
Sandy Gallardo, Computer Technologist
Virginia Court Elementary, Aurora, Colorado
The programs from Essential Skills Software are used a great deal in our school. The kids never seem to tire of them. These programs teach the skills in a fun yet instructive manner.
Susie Kester, Building Technologist
Shelton Elementary, Golden, Colorado
We have Essential Skills programs in the computer lab and also in the Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classrooms. These programs have made a real difference for our primary students in supporting the development of their basic skills.
Mary Jo Gallahan, Media Specialist
Riffenburgh Elementary, Fort Collins, Colorado
Essential Skills programs are used for 30 minutes daily in our school - especially in Grade One. We have noticed a definite improvement in reading fluency & vocabulary.
Jana Benker, Computer Technologist
Fremont Elementary, Florence, Colorado
We couldn't be more pleased with our Essential Skills programs. They are definitely a major helping component of our reading success. We purchased the programs through Read to Achieve funding. They are indispensable to our reading program.
Bonnie Snyder, Reading Specialist
Antelope Ridge Elementary, Aurora, Colorado
I really like your software. It is the best overall package for our students. For 1st graders to work quietly for 45 minutes on anything is something!
Dan Clark, Technology Coordinator
Dakota Valley Elementary, Aurora, Colorado