

We use Essential Skills software to prepare our students for State testing. The skills taught align very well with the State standards. The children love the programs and don't even realize how much they are learning

Pat Rod, Title I Teacher
North Hill Elementary, Burlington, Iowa

The Essential Skills programs allow my students to work independently. There is no training required even for our youngest students. These programs teach and reinforce the skills my children need. I love the programs and so do the kids.

Denise Williams, Title I Teacher
Colfax-Mingo Elementary, Colfax, Iowa

We use both Super Phonics programs with our primary kids in grades 1, 2, and 3 every week. These programs support the classroom curriculum and provide excellent tutorial practice and review for our students.

Kathy Brady, Computer Teacher
St. John’s Elementary, Independence, Iowa

The Reading Comprehension programs from Essential Skills are used to enrich our reading program. The children really enjoy the stories and find the programs very user friendly. Working through the many stories in these programs is having a positive impact on learning comprehension skills.

Amy Heisel, Grade Two Teacher
Wellman Elementary, Wellman, Iowa

Our 4th and 5th grade students use the ESS Grammar program early in the year before the Basic Skills test. The Grammar program is the first software the teachers use in the fall. It offers comprehensive tutorials, practice and review of 60 main grammar rules. The students are very motivated to use the software and often they ask to use it on their own. It has definitely impacted their learning!

Sharon Stiles, Library Media Specialist
Kittrell Elementary, Waterloo, Iowa

I have been using the programs from Essential Skills every day for a couple of years. I like these programs because they are easy for students with learning difficulties to use. These programs do an excellent job of reinforcing what my students have already been taught. I do not have any students who don't like the programs. The children are highly motivated when using this software.

Jane Bell, Special Education Teacher
Prairie Valley Elementary, Callender, Iowa