
Nevada, Results

We couldn't be more pleased with our students' success. We have become an Exemplary Turn Around School in Nevada! We have matched Essential Skills software to the MAP content strands. We find out where a student is struggling and match the software to that strand. Students' RIT scores in those strands have greatly improved!

Pamla Tognoli
Literacy Specialist

I have seen tremendous performance gains, especially in our Kindergarten and first grades. One student in particular started in September not knowing any English and now knows all of his basic English vocabulary. It is the practice that your programs offer that helped him to improve so much.

Catherine Davis
Computer Coordinator

Last year we did very well on our testing and I think Essential Skills gave us that boost. The students get exposed to the entire math curriculum using these programs and all of the skills are on our state test.

Maxine Emm
K-4 Technology Teacher

I can see that the students are learning and benefiting from these programs. They are making measurable progress and enjoying the learning experience.

Nicki Backman
Resource Teacher

My children have made major gains on their MAP test and I attribute this in large part to Essential Skills software. It has made a very positive and powerful impact on the academic self-esteem and success of our students. In my mind these programs are invaluable!

Janet Price
Grade Three Teacher