
Nova Scotia

We find that these programs offer excellent reinforcement for students. The programs are easy to use and the students can work on them independently. The programs return the students to where they left off and provide immediate feedback and a summary of their daily results. For children with weaker motor skills these programs allow them to do much more practice in a session than they would with pencil and paper tasks.

Linda Patrick, Principal
Wallace Consolidated Elementary, Wallace, Nova Scotia

Your programs are user friendly and cost effective and on top of that the teachers and students love them. The students can work independently and the programs chart their progress. These are excellent programs!

Barbara Cochrane, Consultant-Program
South Shore School Board, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia

Your programs are excellent and the students really enjoy them. Keep up the good work!

Kevin Haines, Teacher
Smokey Drive Elementary, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia

Essential Skills programs are used widely in our school. I work with special needs kids and I feel that they are actually learning from using these programs. Many of our classrooms in the school use the software daily because average students can work more independently, and are able to keep track of their own progress. We like the structured and sequential nature of these programs.

Jane Glenen, Resource Teacher
Champlain Elementary, Granville Ferry, Nova Scotia

I really like the programs from Essential Skills. The kids love learning their skills using technology and they think these programs are fantastic! The students feel good about themselves because they can set a learning pace that they are comfortable with and build the confidence within themselves to learn the more challenging skills. The programs are excellent in terms of building and reinforcing skills. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Essential Skills to other teachers.

Isabel Obeid, Grade 4 Teacher
John MacNeil School, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

I use the math and spelling programs on an ongoing basis with my grade three students. It is very user friendly and readily allows for independent learning. Each program has a wide variety of activities and the spelling program allows you to put in your own custom word lists. I also like the fact that it stores the results so that I can see exactly how my students are doing.

Kathleen MacKinnon, Grade 3 Teacher
Whycocomagh Education Center, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

The Essential Skills programs are very user friendly and great for students of low average ability. They find them entertaining yet educational. The programs gradually build student confidence so that they are not afraid to work on and learn more unfamiliar concepts. The programs are visually pleasing. My students are mainly grade 7, 8 and 9.

Elaine Campbell, Resource Teacher
Whitney Pier Memorial, Sydney, Nova Scotia

We use Essential Skills programs every single day. I love them. I think this software is wonderful. The students love the software and they always want to go on the programs. The instructions are clear and the children can work independently. They like the feedback at the end of each session telling them how well they did. The older students can come and work at their own level and pace without being noticed or singled out by their peers. I highly recommend these programs.

Colleen Glascow, Program Support Teacher
North River Elementary, Truro, Nova Scotia

I like the simplicity of the format, the structure and the sequencing of the skills. I like that we can pinpoint specific skills areas within the software and match these skills to student needs. I have given this software to many teachers and they say this is exactly what they needed for phonics, spelling and grammar. I feel that these programs are perfect!

Liz Mahoney, Asst. Technology Consultant
Cape Breton Victoria Reg.S.B., Nova Scotia

Essential Skills offers many programs to address important learning outcomes. We use the software on a daily basis from Kindergarten to Grade 3. These programs are excellent for children that are working on building independent skills.

Charlotte Richards, Program Support Teacher
Junction Road Elementary, Springhill, Nova Scotia