Our children all love these programs. When you talk about direct instruction this software has it down cold. Each program leads the children through the skills in a sequential, step by step manner, keeping track of their progress and where they left off. The children feel so successful and rightly so. They know that they really are learning.
Kathleen Liartis, Title I Teacher
David Leech Elementary, Leechburg, Pennsylvania
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The programs from Essential Skills are great at teaching children at all ability levels. I found the most improvement in student behavior when using these programs. My students have a lot of behavior and attention deficit problems but these programs keep their interest and attention completely. This is the number one curriculum software that I use with my students.
Sherrie Reuter, Title I Teacher
Kerr Elementary, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
We're thrilled with your programs, and are using them non-stop! Our students and staff absolutely love the Essential Skills programs. The skills in these programs parallel our standards based curriculum. Without question, this is the most popular software in our elementary schools.
Dr. Cheryl Griffith, Asst. Superintendent
Hampton Twp. S.D., Allison, Pennsylvania
I have been using programs from Essential Skills for four or five years. I've been very satisfied with this software. It's great for working one on one with students and for independent learning. There is a wide variety of great visual and auditory presentation for students of different learning styles. The comprehension programs are excellent for building fluency. One thing that has been very positive for us is using the Marks Manager to print reports for parent conferences so they can see exactly what the children have been working on and how they are doing. I recommend this software highly.
John Bennison, Reading Specialist
Hartwood Elementary, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
We love Essential Skills Software. The skills are right on target as far as grade level skills go but you can readily use the software with older students with limited ability. I like the reports. They give lots of relevant detail. The children never get bored using these programs. This is great software!
Pamela Stein, Comp. Teacher
New Wilmington Elementary, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania
We currently have several of your titles and I like them very much. Your software is very user-friendly from the teacher and student standpoint. As a first grade teacher, the ability to have all the students working at their own pace is great! My stronger students are able to move along quickly and be challenged and at the same time my slower students are getting more practice and not feeling pressured to move as quickly.
Karen Truax, Teacher
Emerson Elementary, West Mifflin, Pennsylvania
I love how your programs keep the children's attention.
Sr. Judith Moeller, Teacher
IHM Educational Center, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
We have many Essential Skills programs that are being used on a daily basis in the classrooms and in the computer lab. These programs are great for individualizing instruction and independent practice. They are easy to use and we like the record keeping that goes with the programs. Essential Skills programs focus on the specific curriculum skills the children need, while motivating them to do their best.
Fran Lemke, Reading Support Teacher
Central Elementary, Allison Park, Pennsylvania
I buy educational software for eight schools in our district. The feedback I get from my teachers is that the programs from Essential Skills are appealing, well organized and kid friendly. The skills are curriculum based and build upon one another in a sequential manner. They are well presented with interesting graphics and good use reward and reinforcement. The children enjoy using the software.
Barb Smith, Federal Programs Director
Dubois Area School District, Dubois, Pennsylvania
We use Essential Skills everyday with our children and we love it! The programs are easy to use and the kids can work independently learning the skills. Essential Skills programs are a natural extension of the instructional process for us. Also, these programs offer great value!
Theresa Eidson, Computer Lab Teacher
Surgoinsville Elem, Surgoinsville, Tennessee