
We have 10 Essential Skills site licenses in our computer lab. The students are using the programs 2-3 times each 6 day cycle. They are very good programs. If we try to get them on something else they want to use the Essential Skills programs.

Mark Forsythe, Principal
Principal, Principal, Saskatchewan

Basically all the classes are using Essential Skills in the computer lab for a half hour to an hour a week. I use Mastering Numeration with my students for 40 minutes a week. Our teachers really like Reading Comprehension and Sight Words. We particularly like the Marks Manager and use it to print reports for parents. The students find the programs motivating. We would highly recommend your programs.

Perry Mamer. Principal, Principal
Principal, Principal, Saskatchewan

As the principal of an elementary school with a limited curriculum budget you can't find better value than the programs from Essential Skills to help students develop their basic reading and math skills.

Stephen Elliott, Principal
Principal, Principal, Ontario