

The Essential Skills Science programs are used in our alternate education program for 14-18 year old's. These programs boost their self esteem and help them grasp essential Science concepts. It gives them a real sense of accomplishment. The students don't feel the programs are babyish and they can work independently at their own level with success. The marks management system makes it easy to document progress. Essential Skills programs are great for teaching the basic skills that all students need to learn. I have really, really enjoyed the programs and feel that they have made a big difference for my students.

Cheryl Lenz-Fabian, Learning Assistance Teacher
Bethlehem Catholic High, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Central Collegiate is a high school and we use Essential Skills with our ESL students. You never know what skills they will have when they come in. We have five Essential Skills language arts programs. We had one boy who used them for the whole morning everyday last year. We think your programs are very effective.

Michelle Smith, ESL Teacher
Central Collegiate, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Our teachers think the Spelling Stumpers program from Essential Skills is fantastic. The teachers at each grade level can create customized spelling list for their students in addition to the words provided in the program. The kids love the program because it allows them to learn at their own pace. The upper end spellers like the program because it keeps challenging them with more difficult words. There is a nice variety of good spelling activities for each word list. Grades 2 through 5 are using this program in our school.

Jon Yellowlees, Vice Principal
Prairie View Elementary, Dalemy, Saskatchewan

Some Essential Skills programs are used every week. Spelling Stumpers is used more than once a week. The very best feature is the custom spelling list. We can enter what we teach in the classroom. It's awesome! The grade 9-10 teacher is even using it for her French class because the auditory is there. The grade 1 & 2s are using both levels of Super Phonics. Grammar and Writing Fundamentals are used with the older grades as each skill is taught in the classroom. Reading Comprehension and the Read to Succeed series are also used extensively in the resource room.

Mariette Baker-McDermid, Principal
Reynolds Central School, Melfort, Saskatchewan

We have 10 Essential Skills site licenses in our computer lab. The students are using the programs 2-3 times each 6 day cycle. They are very good programs. If we try to get them on something else they want to use the Essential Skills programs.

Mark Forsythe, Principal
Victoria School, Kamsack, Saskatchewan

Basically all the classes are using Essential Skills in the computer lab for a half hour to an hour a week. I use Mastering Numeration with my students for 40 minutes a week. Our teachers really like Reading Comprehension and Sight Words. We particularly like the Marks Manager and use it to print reports for parents. The students find the programs motivating. We would highly recommend your programs.

Perry Mamer, Principal
Carrot River Elementary, Carrot River, Saskatchewan

We are using Essential Skills with our resource students and the regular classroom. Super Phonics is excellent. I also like the Reading Comprehension programs - we have all 3 levels. The kids like the programs. When we finish a section I print their progress from the Marks Manager for them to take home. I would like to buy more in the Spring when we get our funding.

Lorraine Oleksyn, Resource Teacher
Resource Teacher, Melville, Saskatchewan

We use Essential Skills programs daily and they motivate the children. We pre-test and post-test and have seen definite performance gains. I think they play a role in the development of their reading skills.

Darcy Moore, Resource Teacher
Pierceland School, Pierceland, Saskatchewan

Our students are using Essential Skills programs 2 to 3 times a week. They love going to computer to work on them. I use them with Grade 1 students who are on an alternate reading program. I also use them with mentally challenged students who love working on them. Overall, what we like most about ESS is that you can use them with regular stream kids, alternate reading students and special needs children.

Marge Warrington, Resource Teacher
Westcliffe School, Marengo, Saskatchewan

We love the Essential Skills programs. We are using them school-wide and in small groups for a half hour to an hour each day. We find they are very motivating and help develop and reinforce the skills. Mastering Numeration is great for kids who are struggling with number facts.

Susan Striga, Teacher Librarian
Lakeview Elementary, Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan