

We were a targeted school in reading two years ago and I really believe that the Essential Skills programs played a significant role in helping to bring our scores up. Last year based on our Tennessee Comprehensive Academic Testing scores we were ranked the third highest school in the county.

Carol Chastain, Title I Reading
Rockford Elementary, Rockford, Tennessee

The children can manage the software themselves and the software returns them to where they left off the day before. I have nine classes of children and the fact that The Marks Manager is central for all the programs makes it easy for me to manage. This software absolutely makes a huge difference in the acquisition of their reading skills.

Paula Lambert, Title I Teacher
Cornersville Elementary, Cornersville, Tennessee

We use the programs on a regular basis with all our grade one and two students. I am really impressed with Essential Skills. I think that all the programs are very beneficial to the students and as a bonus, they love the software. We feel that these programs are a great complement to the classroom curriculum. There are many different approaches within each program to meet the different styles of our students. We have been more than pleased with the software. It has been a great supplemental tool for all of our students.

Anne Pierce, Title I Reading Teacher
Jackson Elementary, Kingsport, Tennessee

We use Essential Skills programs everyday with Kindergarten through grade five students. We now have about 20 titles. The programs are very user friendly and the students enjoy them immensely. Customer service and tech support is prompt, friendly and helpful. Teachers visit from other schools just to see these programs in use!

Rebecca Leifert, Technology Support Teacher
Doak Elementary, Greeneville, Tennessee

I love the programs from Essential Skills. It is the best software I have seen for sight word review, and reading comprehension skills. The programs are very user friendly and the kids never complain about being bored. I see definite measurable improvement in their acquisition of literacy skills. I am really pleased with it and use it every day.

Laura Barrett, Sp. Ed. & Technology Coordinator
North Elementary, Altamont, Tennessee

We have used the Essential Skills software everyday for at least five years with our students. The software runs without any problems on all our school networks. I highly recommend all of their programs. I like the ease of use of the Marks Manager and the ability to quickly create reports.

Dennis Bouchanan, Computer Coordinator
Springdale Elementary, Springdale, Tennessee

I love your programs! We have eight titles from Essential Skills. These programs provide thorough coverage of our literacy needs. The children get practical skill based instruction and I see lots of carryover to their classroom work. Our special needs children require that clean, uncluttered, straight forward approach to learning that these programs provide. The kids really enjoy the programs. They seem to know that they are actually learning to read and they appreciate that. Unquestionably, Essential Skills Software provides tremendous value for the money.

Kathy Ellis, Resource Teacher
Frazier Elementary, Dayton, Tennessee

I love the programs from Essential Skills. They are kid friendly and deliver the skills in a structured, sequential manner. The kids love the programs and all students are able to achieve. Every child in our school uses the software daily.

Lisa Rodgers, Computer Teacher
Ellen Myers Elementary, Harrogate, Tennessee

Our K-1 grades have started the Wilson Reading Fundations programs. We were thrilled to see how closely the Essential Skills programs align with Fundations. We use them every day. These programs are down and dirty. They really get to the nuts and bolts of learning!

Jennifer Jordan, Federal Projects Reading and Math
Mt. View Elementary, Etowah, Tennessee

We purchased six programs from Essential Skills five years ago. We are still using these programs on a daily basis with our students. Needless to say they have provided excellent value. The skills in these programs are aligned with our curriculum. Our children enjoy the programs and benefit greatly from working on them.

Cindy Windsor, Reading Specialist
Dan Mills School, Nashville, Tennessee