

We love the Essential Skills programs, and are really impressed with how affordable they are!

Terry Gallinger, ELL Teacher
West Elementary, Lander, Wyoming

Your programs are my favorite.

Sue Bodar, Teacher
Dubois Elementary, Dubois, Wyoming

We use the Math and Reading software from Essential Skills everyday in all of our grades. We use it in the computer lab, in the classrooms and with our tutoring program. Our children show amazing progress using this software. They are doing very well and never get bored with learning using these programs. We love this software!

Mary Ann Guille, Computer Teacher
Buffalo Ridge Elementary, Cheyenne, Wyoming

The ESS programs are a great tool for review and practice.

Kimberly Eymer, Teacher
Sundance Elementary, Sundance, Wyoming

The students LOVE your spelling programs, and the teachers like the convenience of being able to incorporate their own spelling words.

Ronda Dierks, Teacher
Corlett Elementary, Cheyenne, Wyoming

I use Sight Words from Essential Skills with all of my grade ones. It has a wide variety of activities and works well for my high kids and my low kids. They are able to learn independently on the program at their own level and pace. The software teaches word recognition skills in an effective yet fun way. My students never get tired of using your programs.

Vera Faerber, Grade One Teacher
South Elementary, Lander, Wyoming

Our kids really love Essential Skills! They never get tired of the programs and are disappointed when it is time to log off. The programs from Essential Skills complement and even at times serve as an alternative to direct classroom instruction. The skills are aligned and support what is being taught in the classroom.

Nance Stack, Technology Coordinator
Mills Elementary, Casper, Wyoming