
Essential Skills software will not function properly unless it has unrestricted permissions to its program and data folders.

To set permissions on a Windows PC, follow the instructions below. (You must be logged in as an administrator to give these rights.)

    1. Right click any associated base folder and select properties.
    2. Click on the security tab found at the top of the properties window.
    3. Select your student group from the group and user name list.
    4. Make sure a check mark exists in the Full Control section of the system permissions window.

Following are the instructions for a Macintosh. (You must be logged in as system administrator to give these rights.)

    1. Select an associated base folder and press command I on your keyboard.
    2. Locate the sharing and permissions section at the bottom of the Info window.
    3. Select your student group and set their privileges to Read & Write.
    4. Click on the gear found at the bottom of the info windows and select “Apply to enclosed items”. (Some OS versions may have a button labeled “Apply to enclosed items” instead of a gear. In this case simply click to button to perpetuate the rights to all child folders.)