
Early Recognition and Response

It has been noted that students who begin their school years struggling to keep up with their peers are likely to fall further and further behind. A high-quality early reading intervention program can be used to identify and help mitigate these difficulties in young children (3 to 4 years). Research based reading intervention programs have been supported by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and have proven to help many at-risk children before the need for assessment, identification, and placement in special education programs in the public school system.

Phonemic awareness program

An online early reading intervention program differs from traditional teaching models in that it helps to identify learning characteristics that indicate a possible learning disability at a very young age. Before a child enters a competitive forum and experiences failure, they will be given the type of intensive and targeted assistance they require.

Response To Intervention (RTI) is based upon three components:

  • use of multiple tiers of increasingly intense interventions

  • problem-solving approach to identify and evaluate instructional strategies

  • data collection and assessment system to monitor student progress

Multiple Tiers

  • This is also referred to as an intervention hierarchy.

  • The model consists of three levels of intervention depending upon a child’s identified needs. In this model “Tier 3” students are deemed to be at greatest risk and in need of highest levels of support. These students will get the most benefit from online research based reading intervention programs.

Problem Solving Approach

  • The problem solving approach involves the use of assessment to determine need and inform decisions.

  •  This problem-solving based approach is made simpler by constantly collecting and analyzing data as a child advances, using early reading intervention programs.

  • The best way to proceed is then determined by teachers, parents, and specialists.

Data Collection and Assessment System

  • For intervention to be successful, it must be based on continually collected information that is not just test or exam-based.

  • Essential Skills research-based reading intervention programs guarantee a continuum of fact and behavior-based feedback, making student assessment accurate and relevant.

Middle School

Sometimes children are able to get by well enough to avoid the necessity of early intervention. These are often clever students that can hide their reading problems and keep up with their peers using various strategies. Middle school begins to raise a new wave of cognitive challenges that these strategies are not sufficient to deal with. This is a turning point for many students when previously concealed learning issues become apparent. At this point, teachers should consider an online middle school reading intervention program. Essential Skills offers online research based reading intervention programs for students of all ages and abilities.