
Using Software to Support Your Response to Intervention Program

RTI (Response to Intervention) is a process used to shift educational focus away from identifying students as “learning disabled” toward the delivery and evaluation of targeted instruction. This process is designed to provide struggling students with a specific course of action to help them succeed.

3 Keys to Support Remote Learning

This has been a very different and challenging time for those involved in education. Parents are scrambling to find childcare options and wonder how they can successfully supervise their child’s learning. Children may be confused by the uncertainty of the future, lonely without their friends, or miss the structures and routines of the classroom. Teachers are suddenly flung into a very different mode of delivering lessons. Most people would agree that remote learning is not a substitute for the in-class “whole child” experience. Fortunately, Essential Skills offers a complete suite of elementary reading programs online that will ensure classroom consistency, engaging and challenging lessons, and reliable monitoring of progress.

How an Intervention Program Can Help Kids Prone to Learning Disabilities

What is Phonemic Awareness?

To find the answer, we should first understand what phonemic awareness is. It is basically the recognition that language is created by combining smaller units of sound known as phonemes. As young children learn to speak, they may not recognize the fact that words are not usually one sound but a combination of smaller sounds. Because spoken language tends to be fluid, kids will often hear words and even phrases as a single auditory experience (“gimmeeahug” rather than “give me a hug”). Phonemic weakness has nothing to do with intelligence but frequently results in a reading or writing impediment. A Phonemic awareness program implemented at an early stage in language development can help to lessen these affects.

Why Is Phonemic Awareness So Important?

What is Phonemic Awareness?

To find the answer, we should first understand what phonemic awareness is. It is basically the recognition that language is created by combining smaller units of sound known as phonemes. As young children learn to speak, they may not recognize the fact that words are not usually one sound but a combination of smaller sounds. Because spoken language tends to be fluid, kids will often hear words and even phrases as a single auditory experience (“gimmeeahug” rather than “give me a hug”). Phonemic weakness has nothing to do with intelligence but frequently results in a reading or writing impediment. A Phonemic awareness program implemented at an early stage in language development can help to lessen these affects.

How Phonics Dominoes Can Help Build Language Skills

Can kids learn while they’re playing games? Word building and decoding are key elements in language acquisition. To become proficient requires repetition, review, and experimentation. These tasks are easier for parents and teachers to encourage when the student is engaged. There are many choices available to make learning fun. The best online phonics program will offer a variety of games and activities to play while learning.

How to Improve Recall and Learning Among Children with Autism

For all students, learning to read involves a complex set of skills that must be acquired in stages. The ability to recognize letters and using them to form words (decoding) must become fluid before students are able to read for meaning. Children with autism may require more review and practice to move beyond decoding. Computer programs are an excellent way to enhance implicit memory and when choosing a reading program Autism Spectrum Disorder should be taken into account. People with autism generally have good implicit memory skills and can become proficient at decoding words. Difficulty with explicit or episodic memory can make “reading for meaning” more challenging. Luckily, research-based reading programs for special education are available to assist in this area.

Signs That Your Child May Have a Reading Problem

Every child struggles with early reading skills and all parents worry. Fortunately, there are a number of signs to recognize a real problem. Once these issues have been identified, online elementary reading programs can provide a wide variety of engaging research-based activities to target your child’s specific difficulty.

Why Kids Need Combined Learning from Online and Offline Resources

In today’s environment, children are surrounded by and interacting with screens and online activities practically from birth. Gone are the days of leafing through (often outdated) encyclopedias or wandering through library stacks doing research. Today’s young student has virtually unlimited access to constantly updated information anywhere, anytime via phones, tablets, and computers. There are also countless applications that make tasks much faster and easier for students to accomplish, including online educational software to help make learning more fun and engaging.

Essentials of Homeschooling Children with Autism

Children with autism have unique and particular needs that often, only their parents can truly understand. For this reason, parents of students with autism often take an active role in their education and may choose to homeschool when suitable specialized programs are not available. A strong support system is crucial and having access to excellent learning resources including an online reading program for autism can be hugely beneficial to students and parents alike.

Important Reading Development Milestones for Children

Children learn at a remarkable pace. In fact, every day a child is developing skills and thought patterns in practically every area including mobility, critical thinking, and language. In the younger years, learning through play is an excellent way to encourage children to acquire new skills and broaden their intellect. With the use of television, tablets, and video games so prevalent in our society, learning resources including reading software for kindergarten are excellent tools for helping young learners improve their skills.