
5 Benefits of Educational Software for Elementary Students

We all understand the value of teachers and educators in a classroom setting where personal instruction is the core pillar of teaching the curriculum. However, every teacher would agree that incorporating cutting-edge technology into the classroom is highly beneficial. The pandemic proved the value of adapting to new teaching realities through technology. It’s a primary reason why there is such growing support for teaching using educational software for elementary students.

Implementing Effective Reading Strategies in the Classroom

We’ve seen what happens to children raised in the digital age, 140-character tweets, and social media linguistics. For future generations, learning comprehensive and lasting literacy skills will be critical to their overall development. Learning to read is a vitally important skill and inspiring a passion for reading in students is always a noble goal of teachers and educators. To help achieve that goal while helping struggling students, teachers may need to implement an early reading intervention program.

Phonemic Awareness: The Fundamentals of Learning and Reading

There are many building blocks involved in the construction of a well-rounded educational curriculum. One of the key pillars in such a platform is phonemic awareness, which when developed properly allows a student to identify and manipulate speech sounds. This type of “sound training” is critical to reaching and teaching young students, and one of the key elements of such a comprehensive teaching tool is phonemic awareness activities.

Help Your Kindergarten Students Become Strong, Independent Readers

As teachers and educators your job is to inspire students at an early age. Taking a classroom full of kindergarten students and instilling in them a passion for reading is critical to their long-term growth and development. Such reading skills as letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and sight word recognition are just a few of the vital reading components kindergarten students need to master to succeed in the years after kindergarten. This is why proactive school districts develop comprehensive reading programs for kindergarten that utilize proven strategies and a diverse collection of learning resources.

How to Make Reading Easier for Children with ASC

The prevalence of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) has been on the rise worldwide in the past few decades. According to some reports, as many as 1 in 66 children are diagnosed with having ASD. As advocacy for these children improves, so too does their access to quality classroom experiences. This includes teaching them how to read in fun, engaging ways which requires curriculum that includes a customized reading program for autism.

How Technology Helps Students to Develop Cognitive and Social Skills

There are pros and cons to the wholesale integration of technology into our lives. As children are our most vulnerable citizens, there are many different schools of thought on how much exposure children should have to technology. There is consensus, however, that technology will remain in the classrooms, which is why it’s important to instruct using the best online educational software.

Tips for Teaching Phonemic Awareness to Early Learners

The phoneme is really the smallest unit of language in human speech. Letters may be the thread that ties language together, but phonemic awareness is critical to understanding and clarity. A single letter appearing in multiple words could have a variety of pronunciations. Take the following three words: rate, awe, and cat. Each letter “a” is pronounced differently. Understanding that concept is essential to learning to read in a writing system based on a finite alphabet. It’s a major reason why it’s equally important for teachers and educators to use engaging phonemic awareness activities.

How Technology Enhances Classroom Learning

Technology has changed our lives in so many ways. One of the most important contributions of technology has been in transforming education, changing how, when and where students are able to learn, and thereby empowering them at every stage of their journey.

Interesting Ways to Teach Math to Elementary Students

Early years of mathematics consists of the foundation where teachers help pave the way for students to understand numbers and their uses and relationships. At this stage, students learn the basics of counting, multiplying, rounding, measurement and so much more. At the end of the day, we want students to understand the material presented, applying the skills they’ve just learned, and recall those concepts in the future when other problems are presented.

How Educational Software Improves the Classroom Experience

The integration of new technologies into the classroom has been part of the ongoing transformation of the public education system. The pandemic certainly added urgency to that transformation, as school boards, teachers and students had to adapt to online learning overnight. Digital whiteboards have replaced chalkboards, keyboards have replaced pens and paper, and internet access has become an important tool to research topics relevant to the curriculum and access things like online educational software.