
Reading is best learned at a young age. Teachers and educators understand that reading involves a complex cognitive process that requires a sensitivity to the skills and needs of each student. With the integration of distance learning applications, the need has never been greater for classrooms to implement a strong online reading intervention program.

online reading intervention program

Essential Skills educational software provides immediate reward and reinforcement, creating a personal level of engagement not possible in a traditional group instruction environment. This translates into every student receiving continuous motivation to keep them focused and engaged in the instruction. The Essential Skills online reading intervention programs for elementary grades allow students an opportunity to engage with a familiar format, enhancing motivation to learn.. Using such tech to provide some portion of  school instruction only makes sense when creating a strong online reading intervention program.

Distance learning is reshaping the pedagogy involved in teaching reading, which used to rely solely on in person interaction between students, and teachers. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly accelerated the need for distance learning measures that focused on teaching students strong reading skills. It was not enough to encourage students to read books at home. Integration of online reading intervention programs was key to helping foster a love of reading in students spending their school days at home in front of a screen. Maintaining a student’s interest in reading at a young age is vital; development of reading fluency is linked to greater school achievement, better emotional and social well-being, and reduced delinquency issues. It’s clear that reading is a foundational skill students need for a complete education.

Essential Skills Software Facilitates the Best Online Reading Intervention Programs

Many schools are still relying on a wide-range of proven strategies to develop their reading curriculum. From decoding approaches like phonics and text-based lessons to reading manipulatives like sight word games and sentence building cards. For many years, reading programs have remained rather consistent in their method of delivery. Temporary distance learning measures have changed the dynamic between student and teacher, and the way in which instruction is delivered in the classroom.. Online learning platforms are being integrated into school reading programs at an accelerated pace; school districts s recognize the value in being ahead of the curve when it comes to online educational strategies that incorporate proven resources such as those offered by Essential Skills.

Students who have difficultly reading due to dyslexia or other issues often struggle distance learning situations. In-person guidance is sometimes needed for online reading intervention programs for elementary grades to be successful, but ultimately the accessibility of such resources greatly enhances the curriculum for every student. Integrating an online reading intervention program like Essential Skills software can be instrumental to the long-term reading success of your students.