

My children use Essential Skills programs twice a week and love them. I know that these programs are helping my students. I even had a child who was practically addicted last year. He wanted to use the Reading Comprehension program at every free moment! I think that he realized that he truly was learning to read from using this software.

Terry Martin, Grade Three Teacher
Valley Intermediate, Pelham, Alabama

Essential Skills' programs are used in the computer lab and the classroom. The software is wonderfully easy to use and the programs build the skills one step at a time! We also use them with great success in Special Ed.

Ginny McIntyre, Grade One Teacher
G. Watts Elementary, PineApple, Alabama

We are a 2006 Torchbearer School and I'm sure that your reading software has something to do with it. I have seen gains made by my students using your programs.

Valra Goshea, Reading Coach
Westview Elementary, Phenix, Alabama

We really enjoy Essential Skills Software. The students love to use these programs and I can certainly see them making progress in their reading abilities.

Valerie Jones, Computer Teacher
McAdory Elementary, McCalla, Alabama

Since we have started using the Essential Skills Programs, there has been a marked improvement in our State-wide reading scores.

Diane Patterson, Reading Coach
Boaz Elementary, Boaz, Alabama

I am so happy to find software that is great for my first graders. I also love the simplicity of the Marks Manager in keeping track of each student's progress. Great job guys! Outstanding!

Kelley Wolfe, Teacher
Holy Spirit Regional School, Huntsville, Alabama

I used the Readiness Skills program and Phonemic Awareness with my Kindergarten class this year. I noticed great improvements in DIBELS scores and I believe these programs were very helpful. They are also very motivating for the students.

Valerie Powell, Kindergarten Teacher
Sparkman School, Harselle, Alabama

We have eight programs from Essential Skills. They are used in the computer lab as well as by our first grade and Special Ed teachers. I like that they are self-paced and provide the children with immediate feedback. The reinforcement and rewards are great and the children love them! The skills are closely aligned to our curriculum standards. Essential Skills programs definitely offer good value.

Valerie Jones, Technology Teacher
McAdory Elementary, Mc Calla, Alabama

When I taught Kindergarten I used the Phonemic Awareness and Readiness Skills programs with my students throughout the year. These programs were excellent in preparing the students for DIBELS testing. The skills in these programs align beautifully with our phonemic awareness curriculum outcomes. They are very effective in teaching phonics and reading readiness skills.

Valerie Powell, Reading Coach
Sparkman Elementary, Hartfelle, Alabama

We have used these programs with most of the 300 students in our school and we know that they produce results. Phonemic Awareness and Sight Words are great for K-1 students. They teach early reading skills very effectively and the students seem to enjoy using the programs. These programs provide great value for the money!

Dianne Patterson, Instructional Specialist
Boaz Elementary, Boaz, Alabama