The Essential Skills programs are excellent for RTI. The phonics programs have many activities to teach all the required phonics skills in a logical order of presentation with lots of practice and review. It is a strong program that targets all ability levels. The children love the programs and the reinforcement the program provides.
Lori Easterling, Kindergarten Teacher
Bramlett Elem., Auburn, Georgia
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Essential Skills is a big part of my daily instruction. The program keeps the kids on task and guides them forward from skill to skill. Everything is aligned with the Georgia Performance Standards. These programs are a terrific supplement and reinforcement to our classroom teaching. This is easily the best skill development software I have seen for kids.
Dana Morris, Grade 1 Teacher
Portal Elementary, Portal, Georgia
My children love to use the Essential Skills programs. The children find the programs motivating because they are able to work independently and meet with success regardless of their ability level. The skills in these programs are completely aligned with our curriculum standards.
Elizabeth Meighan, Spec. Ed. Teacher
Mt. Airy, Georgia