

Your programs are very effective for helping students get a better grasp of their alphabet, phonics, sight words, spelling and vocabulary. All our preschool children enjoy using the programs daily. Our ESL students use the programs to help them with their vocabulary and our primary teachers use them to reinforce their classroom curriculum. These programs have made a real difference for the students.

Janet Norris, EA
Arthur Ford School (Lighthouse School), London, Ontario

The Reading Comprehension programs from Essential Skills allow the children to work independently at their own level and pace. These programs are very much suited to children of all ability levels. They are great for building and reinforcing new vocabulary. They also build self esteem, and academic self confidence, especially in the reluctant readers.

Rosemary Smith, Grade 3 Teacher
St. Andrew’s School (Lighthouse School), Oakville, Ontario

We love the programs from Essential Skills. They are very good at addressing our literacy concerns. We use them in the literacy centre, in the computer lab and in our after school intervention program. These programs are absolutely making a difference with our kids. They are a wonderful intervention piece, helping us sustain our role as a lighthouse school.

Yolanda Esposito, Vice-Principal
St. Andrew’s School (Lighthouse School), Oakville, Ontario

The kids really like the Essential Skills programs and are using them twice a week. They are very involved with them when they are on the computer. The teachers feel the programs are making a real difference.

Kenny Moccasin, Computer Lab
Saulteaux First Nation, Saulteaux Heritage School, Cochin, Ontario

Some of our primary and junior students are using Essential Skills programs every day. Our special education students are using the programs quite often. We use the programs as part of our literacy campaign. The Marks Manager is very easy to use. We would like to upgrade our licenses to labs or sites.

John Metcalf, Teacher
Eabametoong Authority, J C Yesno Ed. Centre, Eabamet Lake, Ontario

We are using Essential Skills programs regularly. We really enjoy the programs. The kids are getting a lot out of them. Phonemic Awareness is a favorite of both mine and the children.

Delaware Nation, Moravian Day School, Thamesville, Ontario
Angela Johnson, Kindergarten Teacher

We are using Essential Skills programs two to three times a week with our special needs kids. The programs are user friendly and motivating. I have seen real improvements with their short vowels and long vowels. We really like the reading programs - Leveled Readers Primer, Reading Comprehension, Readiness Skills and Super Phonics. I really appreciate having the Marks Manager.

Sally Rowat, Teacher
Waabshki Penasi School, Dryden, Ontario