
Interesting Ways to Teach Math to Elementary Students

Early years of mathematics consists of the foundation where teachers help pave the way for students to understand numbers and their uses and relationships. At this stage, students learn the basics of counting, multiplying, rounding, measurement and so much more. At the end of the day, we want students to understand the material presented, applying the skills they’ve just learned, and recall those concepts in the future when other problems are presented.

How Educational Software Improves the Classroom Experience

The integration of new technologies into the classroom has been part of the ongoing transformation of the public education system. The pandemic certainly added urgency to that transformation, as school boards, teachers and students had to adapt to online learning overnight. Digital whiteboards have replaced chalkboards, keyboards have replaced pens and paper, and internet access has become an important tool to research topics relevant to the curriculum and access things like online educational software.

Make Reading and Spelling Easier for Children with Autism

Teaching children to read and spell in today’s classroom is a challenge for even the best teacher with access to an abundance of resources. Teaching reading and spelling to children with autism adds another layer to that challenge. Applying standard teaching methods to your lesson plans for children with autism will not reap maximum results given the way their brains process information in unique ways. What is required is the integration of customized reading programs for special education.

How to Help Students with Reading Aloud in Class?

There’s a strange phenomenon that happens in many elementary school classrooms. Young K-5 students can be very loud, expressive, talkative, and animated throughout the day; try to get some of them to read aloud, and suddenly they subscribe to the theory children should be seen and not heard. There’s always a mild bit of hesitation for a young student just trying to master the skill of reading to expose themselves to public judgement by reading in front of the class. To help students overcome such youthful fears, it’s important to incorporate evidence-based reading programs for schools.

Make Your Math Lessons More Engaging

There are two types of students in elementary school: those who love math, and those that hate math. Teachers discover fairly quickly which students fall into the second category. Educators are faced with the annual dilemma of trying to make math lessons more engaging. That requires creative thinking and integration of the best math programs for elementary students.

How Evidence Based Reading Programs Support Students with Dyslexia

According to some estimates, as many as thirty-five million people in North America suffer from Dyslexia. That represents about 15 to 20 percent of the population. Teaching young people diagnosed with Dyslexia presents a unique challenge for teachers, tutors, and educators. One of the strategies employed by schools is to provide students with evidence-based reading instruction facilitated through a credible evidence-based reading program.

Supercharge Your Kindergarten Reading Program

It’s not just the fuel that powers the world’s fastest high-performance race cars – it’s the additives that are part of the mix. Even machines built for speed need a boost once in a while, as do kindergarten students learning to read. To put young readers on the fast-track for success, it’s important to incorporate the right mix of educational tools, and that includes evidence-based reading programs for kindergarten.

How Technology Has Helped Students with Learning Disabilities

Today’s schools are far less exclusionary than they were in previous decades when children with special education needs were often excluded from a public-school environment that had little capacity to integrate such students into the classroom. Changes in legislation provided more opportunity for students with special needs to get the education they needed. Such instruction became possible and more readily available thanks in part to the development of special education software programs.

How to Help Students Become Fluent Readers

What should fluency instruction look like? That’s a question for educators and tutors whose job it is to help students become fluent readers. It’s also important when there are students whose fluency is far behind their peers. The answer depends on whether a student is a strong reader, just beginning to read, making adequate progress, or is clearly struggling. Regardless of where they’re at in terms of their reading ability, a key to fluency instruction is having access to the best reading programs for elementary schools.

Support Different Learning Styles Using Educational Software

If it wasn’t apparent before the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, it certainly is now: integrating technology into the classroom is a vitally important part of teaching students of all ages. Educational software and digital tools help support a variety of different learning styles and allow students to develop critical thinking skills and learn new concepts. Moving forward, the most successful teachers will find ways to balance traditional teaching methods with the use of online educational software.